We hear you ask. Well, fan-art, as we at the Emporium define it, is any work of art, literature, video, music or game depicting characters or scenes which appear in published media.
Includes (but not limited to):
- Television shows
- Movies,
- Books
- Comic books
- Graphic novels
- Computer games
- Web comics
Fan art can also include characters you have created within these fan universes; for example, you could introduce a new character to battle against Sylar in Heroes or create a new nemesis for Dr. Manhattan from Watchmen or even do a crossover.
Fan art can also be fan remixes and videos. These are works done for non-profiting purposes, created by fans for sharing and enjoyment and without the intent of infringing on the original artist’s work; for example, fan remixes of dialogue between Morpheus and Neo in The Matrix, Ray of Light by Madonna or the Buffy Vs. Edward Cullen. These work fall into the realm of fan art and are accepted by the Emporium.
When creating artworks, it might also be useful to have a look at laws concerning Fair Use, different countries may have a different laws as well and as social media and the internet is rapidly growing, the laws are subject to change.
Copyright Law: Understanding Fair Use fact sheet from UK Copyright Service.
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