Nancy’s Dream

By Nancy Thompson of Elm Street

I began on a stage. The stage was circular and it was placed in a bed of flowers. Columns surrounded the stage. Vines grew up the side. The play being put on was “The Phantom Of The Opera”. However, it wasn’t exactly the play so many had come to know and love. It was different, and because of my knowledge of the 1989 version, it was based off of that. The costumes were elaborate but minimal, almost like Cirque Du Soleil 1800, Paris, France. The first half of the play was short, but what can you expect….it’s a dream. Christine snuck up to her circular dressing room and climbed out the window. The man playing Erik swiftly followed behind her, calling her name. Christine held herself against the wall, tears flowed from her eyes. She was not only afraid of the height, but Erik…she was escaping from him…why? I didn’t know at the time. Erik busted through the door, his voice was dark and twisted. He reached the window and grabbed Christine’s leg, pulling her back through as she screamed.

My gaze shifted to a path surrounded by trees. There were park benches and park lights. 40 feet ahead there was a small field to my right, which housed green goats…right across from the field was some sort of Hotel with a restaurant attached. The man playing Erik came down from the building which housed Christine’s dressing room, whipping something from his hands with a handkerchief. He stuck the handkerchief in his pocket and glanced over at me, smiling and shifting his glance to the hotel as he approached it. I was intrigued. This man was not only mysterious, but…it was Robert Englund, or so I thought. A young 1989 Robert. He hurried inside of the hotel, where in the lobby was a banquet hall. Flowers and gourmet food were all around. I stayed there for a while. “Robert” looking over every now and then to watch me. Suddenly two guards lunged at me, I ran from the building screaming. They stopped at the door. None of the people inside the lobby ever made note, they just continued to be content.

I made my way over to the field with the goats. One pooped up from the ground. He ran over to me and told me that the place I was in was magical and only certain people should be there, I was not one of them. I looked up and saw “Robert” sitting on a park bench, looking at me as he lifted several children to his lap and told them a joke. I was too far away to hear it. I felt so strange here. The place was beautiful, but I did not think it was good. The goat then tackled me as more goats popped up and said, ‘LEAVE NOW. You should not be here! It is dangerous!” The two guards that tried to come after me earlier lifted the goat off of me and took it away to a barn. I sat up and looked over at “Robert”. A smile faded from his face and the kids quickly left his lap. She stood up and walked towards the hotel. He wanted me to follow him this time. Something was beginning to click with me. Suddenly, a woman came out of the hotel and grabbed a hold of a little boy. I could recognize that face anywhere, it was Alice…and Jacob!

Slowly I began to piece more together and it all made sense. I reached the path and noticed two adults to my right sitting on two different benches. One was Brooke Theiss, and the other was Lisa Wilcox. I ran up to Lisa. She was asleep. “Lisa, Wilcox? Not Alice right? Lisa.” Lisa raised her head, “Yes.”
“What are you doing here?” I asked.
“I don’t know”, she replied, “The last thing I remember is Brooke and I taking a run and ending up here.”
The beauty of the place seemed to fade, slowly, and I began to feel adrenalin pumping through my veins seeming to say “Here it comes, get ready”.
I decided to tell her what my thoughts were on this place.
“Lisa, I know what this place is…it’s a prison.”
“What do you mean a prison?”
“LOOK!” I said, pointing back to Alice calling Jacob to come inside, her hair blowing in the new increasingly violent wind.
“Yes”, I said, “And Jacob. They aren’t the only ones. I can feel the others”.
“The others?” She sat up. Brooke sat up and scooted to Lisa’s bench.
“Freddy’s victims. The people he killed in every Nightmare movie. Debbie’s here too!”
“Tell me, what is this place.” Brooke ordered.
“It’s where Freddy keeps his souls. Everyone he’s every killed. He needs them for strength right? Well this is where they stay. He tries to keep them happy and alive with energy so he can stay strong and grow with the energy of the souls he has”.
“But Alice…and Jacob…” Lisa added.
“He must have killed them outside of one of the Nightmare movies”, I added, “In case you don’t know…I am the Nancy from Facebook. He’s been eyeing me every moment while I’ve been here. He thinks I have some connection to Nancy”.
Lisa looked back and so did I. The sky was dark and the lights inside the hotel were on. Alice stood looking outside one of the top windows in the hotel. Suddenly, the light shut off in her room. I took a ring out of one of my pockets and handed it to Lisa, “Here. Put this on. I saw Alice wearing a replica. It will reunite you two and your strength will be doubled”. I handed a medallion to Brooke, “For you and Debbie.” They put on what I gave them. Echoed screams came from the hotel and a faint “1,2 Freddy’s coming for you…” was being sung in the distance.
“What will you do?” Lisa asked.
“Find the only person strong enough to really set everyone free and save us all…Nancy”.

Lightening flashed and my dream ended. But when I woke up, it was though my mind was still setting off on the journey to find Nancy and somehow, I knew how to find her. At this moment, my mind is still on that journey.