Jigsaw’s Legacy, The Art of Saw 2004/2010

Jigsaw’s Legacy, The Art of Saw 2004/2010

Static Mass Rating ★★★★★

Release Date: Oct 29th, 2010
Certificate: 18
Running Time: 90 minutes

Director: Kevin Greutert

Cast: Tobin Bell, Cary Elwes, Costas Mandylor, Betsy Russell, Sean Patrick Flanery, Gina Holden, Noam Jenkins, Tanedra Howard, Shauna MacDonald, Chad Donella, Dean Armstrong, Naomi Snieckus

Aside from the original 2004 film, the other amazing thing about the Saw franchise is of course the artwork which has accompanied each of the releases. From Dr. Gordon’s bloodied stump and Amanda’s reverse bear trap from the first, to Strahm’s head trap in the fifth all the way to the final installment with Jigsaw’s legacy, it’s been a hell of a ride! The Static Mass Emporium invite you have a look back with us at some of the key art from this unique hallmark of horror that is Saw.

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So there we have it, 56 Saw posters from the past 7 films. Do you have a particular favourite poster from the series? Or perhaps we’ve missed one out that you’d like see featured? Or maybe you have one that is signed? Whatever the case, you can always write in and let us know here or leave a comment here for us.


11 Responses to “Jigsaw’s Legacy, The Art of Saw 2004/2010”

  1. JLGotrocks Says:

    I work at a company that does printing and I was looking online for these.Thanks.

  2. JigsawExpertAKAHorrogod Says:

    I believe the first Saw III poster is fake (but I’m not sure on that).
    The first Saw IV poster (with the skull) definitely is fake.
    The second Saw V poster is definitely fake (with the chained arms forming a “V”).

  3. Dr-Lizardo Says:

    The posters for part 7 were terrible. Especially compared to the rest of the series which was mostly gold. The posters for parts 1-5 in particular were brilliant. My favorite might be the part 5 poster of someone wearing John’s face as a mask. Did this actually happen in the movie? No. But it was brilliant marketing and an incredible image nonetheless.

  4. JLGotrocks Says:

    The posters reflect the quality of the film.

  5. lebobrow Says:

    I feel like I’ve seen the one in chains from Saw 5 before. I feel like it’s not a fake poster and I think it really is real

  6. Elle Says:

    This collection is great! Where can I see them larger though? The thumbnails are quite small.

  7. spriggan-3 Says:

    I’m fairly certain they’re all authentic (yes, even the skull one). I was a General Manager for a movie theater and I remember seeing probably 90% of them in my theater and the rest either in other theaters or trade mags.

    Also, you missed the SAW 2 poster that showed the bloody ends of the severed fingers. It was the banned one for being too graphic.

  8. Tweets that mention Jigsaw's Legacy, The Art of Saw 2004 to 2010 | Static Mass Emporium -- Topsy.com Says:

    [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Static Mass Emporium, Static Mass Emporium. Static Mass Emporium said: The Art of #Saw, 28 posters from the films: http://bit.ly/9eUEN9 [...]

  9. Patrick Samuel Says:

    Hello Elle, we’ve now added a new feature to the site whereby you can vie and download the images in a bigger size! Many thanks for stopping by :)

  10. Dimitar Says:

    There another poster from Saw 3 – the one from the Director’s cut DVD:

  11. Patrick Samuel Says:

    Excellent! Thank you for that, do you know of any more which we might have missed out?

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