Welcome To Forks, Washington

Welcome To Forks, Washington

Static Mass Rating: 3/5
ECLIPSE (Blu-ray)

Release date: December 6th 2010
Certificate (UK): 15
Running time: 121 minutes

Director: David Slade

Cast: Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner, Billy Burke, Ashley Greene, Jackson Rathbone, Nikki Reed, Kellan Lutz, Elizabeth Reaser, Peter Facinelli

The city of Forks is home to approximately 3,120 residents and is named after the forks in the nearby Quillayute, Bogachiel, Calawah, and Sol Duc rivers.

Located on Washington State’s Olympic Peninsula, close to the Olympic National Park’s Pacific Ocean beaches and the Hoh River Rain Forest, Forks’ economy depended on the local timber factories but with the industry in steady decline the city has had to rely on the nearby Clallam Bay Correctional Center and Olympic Corrections Center for employment.

In recent years, Forks has become well known, not just because it’s a popular destination for sport fishing or the Olympic National Park, but because its also home to the characters in the Twilight series created by Stephenie Meyer in her novels and vividly depicted in the movie adaptations.

Welcome To Forks, Washington

Bryon Monohon, Mayor, City of Forks says of Forks:

“Suddenly, with the arrival of the Twilight series, we are cool, exciting, and dangerous in a young, romantic sort of way. Tour buses travel regularly through our neighbourhoods and people from across the world wear Forks Spartan colours and clothing. Visitors flock from far-and-wide in search of a Hollywood mystique that in some ways we resemble and many ways we do not.”

Welcome To Forks, Washington

For fans looking to see where the locations where some of their favourite scenes were filmed, there’s a lot to see in Forks, such as the Vampire Baseball Field near Quillayute Prairie Cemetery. This is the field where the Cullen family took Bella for a game of vampire baseball during a thunderstorm. As the field is located near the Quillayute Prairie Cemetery, they do ask that visitors are respectful of the area. It is located on the corner of Quillayute Rd. and Mina Smith Rd.

The area has an oceanic climate with a high amount of rainfall, something which is referred to in the books and movies. Storms tend to blow in from the ocean and the elk do have a tendency to tear up people’s yards. But that’s all part of the mystique of such a city, something which Meyer was able to tap into with her novels.

Speaking of how she came to choose Forks as the setting for Twilight, Meyer says:

“For my setting, I knew I needed someplace ridiculously rainy. I turned to Google, as I do for all my research needs, and looked for the place with the most rainfall in the U.S. This turned out to be the Olympic Peninsula in Washington State. I pulled up maps of the area and studied them, looking for something small, out of the way, surrounded by forest… And there, right where I wanted it to be, was a tiny town called “Forks.” It couldn’t have been more perfect if I had named it myself. I did a Google image search on the area, and if the name hadn’t sold me, the gorgeous photographs would have done the trick. In researching Forks, I discovered the La Push Reservation, home to the Quileute Tribe. The Quileute story is fascinating, and a few fictional members of the tribe quickly became intrinsic to my story.”

Welcome To Forks, Washington

And if you do manage to make your way to Forks for the Twilight Tour, Hoh Rainforest has to be seen. It’s one of the largest rainforests in the United States and was created thousands of years ago by glaciers. It’s also were Bella confronts Edward about what he really is before seeing him sparkle for the first time.

If you’ve been to Forks, do share your pictures and stories with us!

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